Programme du colloque > Programme
Heures |
événement |
09:00 - 09:45
accueil - enregistrement-café |
09:45 - 10:00
Ouverture - Ouverture |
10:00 - 11:45
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - ISM in external Galaxies |
10:00 - 10:20 |
› The [CII] 158 micron line emission in high-redshift galaxies - Guilaine Lagache, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille |
10:20 - 10:40 |
› Inefficient jet-induced star formation in Centaurus A: High resolution ALMA observations of the northern filaments - Quentin SALOME, Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, UNAM, Morelia |
10:40 - 11:00 |
› The EMPIRE Survey : Dense Gas and Star Formation across Nearby Galaxy Disks - Diane Cormier, Laboratoire AIM |
11:00 - 11:20 |
› CO-dark molecular gas and the origin of [CII] emission in metal-poor galaxies - vianney lebouteiller, Astrophysique Interactions Multi-échelles |
11:20 - 11:45 |
› Molecular Hydrogen in the Universe - Pierre Guillard, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris |
11:45 - 12:30
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Ices and molecular complexity from the ISM to protostars: Session 1 |
11:45 - 12:10 |
› The fate of COMs during high mass star formation - Sylvain Bontemps, Laboratoire dÁstrophysique de Bordeaux [Pessac] |
12:10 - 12:30 |
› Seeds Of Life In Space: An IRAM-NOEMA large programme to investigate organic chemistry in solar-type star forming regions - Ana Lopez Sepulcre, Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique, Observatoire des Sciences de lÚnivers de Grenoble |
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
14:00 - 14:15
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Flash Poster présentation #1 |
14:15 - 15:30
PCMI (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) - Poster session #1 |
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:50
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Ices and molecular complexity from the ISM to protostars: Session 2 |
16:00 - 16:20 |
› Investigating transient species in the millimeter domain using spectral taxonomy - Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay |
16:20 - 16:45 |
› Laboratory Studies of Thermal and Non-thermal Processes on and in Growing Icy Grain Mantles. - Martin McCoustra, Heriot-Watt University |
16:45 - 17:05 |
› Reactivity in interstellar ice analogues: role of the structural evolution - Pierre Ghesquiere, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de lÚniversité de Bourgogne [Dijon] |
17:05 - 17:25 |
› Formation of complex molecules on cold surfaces - François Dulieu, LERMA |
17:25 - 17:50 |
› Theoretical approaches for gas-phase and ice surface processes - Dahbia Talbi, Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier |
18:00 - 19:30
Cocktail (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
Heures |
événement |
09:00 - 10:50
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - ISM Structures: Statistical views and modelling - Session 1 |
09:00 - 09:25 |
› ISM in 3D: methods and astrophysical consequences - Julien Montillaud, Univers, Transport, Interfaces, Nanostructures, Atmosphère et environnement, Molécules |
09:25 - 09:45 |
› The gamma-ray view on the HI-H2-CO interface in nearby clouds - Isabelle Grenier, Laboratoire AIM |
09:45 - 10:10 |
› Stochastic modeling of the ISM processes - Franck Le Petit, LERMA |
10:10 - 10:30
Coffee break (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
10:30 - 11:45
PCMI - ISM structures: Statistical views and modelling - session 2 |
10:30 - 10:55 |
› Novel statistical tools to characterize interstellar magnetized turbulence - Erwan Allys, Ecole normale supérieure, Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique |
10:55 - 11:20 |
› The dynamics of photodissociation regions: from the observed tracers to a dynamical model. - Emeric Bron, Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique, Instituto de Fisica Fundamental-CSIC |
11:20 - 11:45 |
› Simulating the ISM - Guillaume Laibe, Ecole Normale Supérieure |
11:45 - 12:50
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Cosmic cycle of matter/dust: Session 1 |
11:45 - 12:10 |
› Carbonaceous matter: from ISM to protoplanetary disks - Emmanuel Dartois, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay |
12:10 - 12:30 |
› Dust properties in Galactic Cold Cores: intensity and polarization - Isabelle Ristorcelli, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie |
12:30 - 12:50 |
› Gas and dust in the diffuse interstellar medium: new surveys of diffuse interstellar bands and dust polarisation - Nick Cox, ACRI-ST |
12:50 - 14:20
Lunch (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
14:20 - 15:20
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Cosmic cycle of matter/dust: Session 2 |
14:20 - 14:40 |
› Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon fraction at 20pc scale in the Magellanic Clouds - Jeremy Chastenet, Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences [La Jolla] |
14:40 - 15:00 |
› Probing the impact of the C/O ratio and metals on the properties of dust particles in a cold plasma reactor - Rémi Berard, Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d'Energie [Toulouse], Institut de recherche en astrophysque et planétologie (IRAP), Université de Toulouse (UPS), UMR5277 du CNRS, CNES, Toulouse Cedex 4 |
15:00 - 15:20 |
› PAHs adsorbed on interstellar ice : structures, energetics and IR spectra from a multi-method theoretical study - Aude Simon, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques |
15:20 - 15:35
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Flash poster presentation #2 |
15:35 - 16:05
Coffee Break (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
16:05 - 17:00
PCMI (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) - Poster Session #2 |
17:00 - 17:45
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Magnetic field and star formation: Session 1 |
17:00 - 17:25 |
› The ArTéMiS submillimeter continuum camera on APEX: Capabilities and first scientific results on the structure of dense star-forming complexes - Philippe ANDRÉ, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Paris-Saclay |
17:25 - 17:45 |
› PILOT magnetic field in the Milky Way and Star Forming Regions - Anna Mangilli, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie |
20:30 - 21:30 |
› Du Milieu Interstellaire aux Systèmes Planétaires : Evolution de la Matière Organique vers le Vivant - Thierry Chiavassa, Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires |
Heures |
événement |
09:00 - 10:10
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Magnetic field and star formation: Session 2 |
09:00 - 09:25 |
› Interstellar magnetic fields - François Boulanger, Observatoire de Paris |
09:25 - 09:45 |
› ALMA and SMA observations of magnetic fields in the youngest solar-type protostars - Maud Galametz, CEA Saclay |
09:45 - 10:10 |
› Shocks, jets and star formation with NOEMA and ALMA - Sylvie Cabrit, Observatoire de Paris - Site de Meudon |
10:10 - 10:40
Coffee break (salle des voûtes - Palais du Pharo) |
10:40 - 12:20
PCMI (amphithéâtre Gastaut - Palais du Pharo) - Présentation et discussion du renouvellement du PN - J.Pety, K.Demyk, J.H.Fillion |
12:20 - 13:50
Lunch |
13:50 - 15:20
PCMI - From disks to planets |
13:50 - 14:15 |
› Protoplanetary disks and planet formation - Edwige Chapillon, Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique |
14:15 - 14:35 |
› The origin of nitrogen in planetary systems: recent findings from observational studies of prestellar cores, protostars, and disks. - pierre hily-blant, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, Institut Universitaire de France |
14:35 - 14:55 |
› Which origin for molecular oxygen and sulfur in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko? - Ozge Ozgurel, Laboratoire de chimie théorique |
14:55 - 15:20 |
› Modeling exoplanet atmospheres - Pascal Tremblin, Maison de la Simulation, CEA Paris-Saclay |
15:20 - 19:00
Excursion - Visites des calanques |
20:00 - 23:00
Conference Dinner - Palais de la Major, 2 quai de la Tourette, Marseille |
Heures |
événement |
09:00 - 10:30
PCMI (amphithéâtre Rouard - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Workshops "Databases in astrochemistry" & "Dust from the diffuse ISM to protoplanetary discs: where do we stand?" in parallel |
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:30
PCMI (amphithéâtre Ponte - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Workshops "Databases in astrochemistry" & "Dust from the diffuse ISM to protoplanetary discs: where do we stand?" in parallel |
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30
PCMI (amphithéâtre Rouard - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Workshops "New perspectives in millimeter astronomy with IRAM telescopes" & "Primordial Chemistry" in parallel |
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:30
PCMI (amphithéâtre Ponte - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Workshops "New perspectives in millimeter astronomy with IRAM telescopes" & "Primordial Chemistry" in parallel |
18:30 - 19:30
Visite of PIIM - Experiments |
Heures |
événement |
09:00 - 10:40
PCMI (amphithéâtre Ponte - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Workshop summary and conclusion |
09:00 - 09:25 |
› Bases de données en astrochimie - Pierre Gratier, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) - Alexandre Faure, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble |
09:25 - 09:50 |
› Primordial Chemistry - Denis Puy, Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier |
09:50 - 10:15 |
› Dust from the diffuse ISM to protoplanetary discs: where do we stand? - Benoit Commercon, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon - Marc-Antoine MIVILLE-DESCHENES, CEA Saclay - Guillaume Laibe, University of St Andrews (UK) - Nathalie Ysard, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS Orsay) |
10:15 - 10:40 |
› New perspectives in millimeter astronomy with IRAM telescopes - maryvonne gerin, Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique |
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break |
11:10 - 12:55
PCMI (amphithéâtre Ponte - Site de Saint-Jérôme) - Molecular signatures in cold ISM |
11:10 - 11:35 |
› State-to-state collisional rates and characterization of products at low temperature - Astrid Bergeat, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires |
11:35 - 11:55 |
› An efficient statistical method to compute molecular collisional rate coefficients - Jérome Loreau, Université Libre de Bruxelles - François Lique, Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes - Alexandre Faure, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble |
11:55 - 12:15 |
› Anion chemistry at low temperature in the interstellar medium: insights from the laboratory - Ludovic Biennier, Institut de Physique de Rennes |
12:15 - 12:35 |
› Nuclear spin symmetry conservation in H2O water vapor cooled in a supersonic expansion - Robert Georges, Institut de Physique de Rennes |
12:35 - 12:55 |
› Ortho-to-Para Ratio of Water in the Orion Bar - Thomas Putaud, Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères (LERMA) |
12:55 - 13:00
Conference Closing (amphithéâtre Ponte - Site de Saint-Jérôme) |