Programme du colloque > Présentations invitées
- ISM in 3D : methodes and astrophysical consequences, J. Montillaud (UTINAM)
- Interstellar magnetic fields, F. Boulanger (LERMA)
- H2 in the universe, P.Guillard (IAP)
- Shocks, jets and star formation with NOEMA and ALMA, S. Cabrit (LERMA)
- The fate of COMs during high mass star formation, S. Bontemps (LAB)
- Proto-planetary disks and planet formation, E. Chapillon (IRAM & LAB)
- Modelizing exo-planet atmosphere, P. Tremblin (CEA)
- Simulating the ISM, G. Laibe (Lyon)
- Stochastic modeling of the ISM processes, F. Le Petit (LERMA)
- Theoretical approches for gas-phase and ice surface processes, D. Talbi (LUPM)
- Laboratory Studies of Thermal and Non-thermal Processes on and in Growing Icy Grain Mantles, M. Mc Coustra (UK)
- Carbonaceous matter : from the ISM to protoplanetary disks, E. Dartois (ISMO)
- State-to-state collisional rates and characterization of products at low temperature, A. Bergeat (ISM)
- Outreach coneference : Du milieu interstellaire aux systèmes planétaires : Evolution de la matière organique vers le vivant ?, T. Chiavassa (PIIM)